Calculate next due date based on start date frequency and current date in c#

April 17, 2021 0 comments

During one project development there is one scenario which made me write this post.
Scenario is as follows
Company has clients, each has different invoice start date and invoice frequency. I had to calculate and display next invoice date from current date + next month. i.e. invoice will always be raised in next month of service completion. e.g. Client A has invoice start date 01-Jan-2021 and invoice frequency is 5 months. Date when I am writing this post is 17-April-2021. So now next invoice date for Client A is 01-June-2021. For client B invoice start date is 01-March-2021 and invoice frequency is 3 months, then its next invoice date is 01-June-2021 and so on for all other client. 

To handle this scenarios I have written following function in c# which will always returns next invoice date from Current date. 

public class DateHelper
 public static DateTime nextInvoiceDate(DateTime? InvoicingStartDate,
    string invoicingFrequency)
     int occurrence =
     (DateTime.Now.Month - Convert.ToInt32(InvoicingStartDate?.Month)) 
     / Convert.ToInt32(invoicingFrequency);
     int restInt = 
     (DateTime.Now.Month - Convert.ToInt32(InvoicingStartDate?.Month)) 
     % Convert.ToInt32(invoicingFrequency);
     DateTime next = InvoicingStartDate.Value;
            int multi;
            if (restInt == 0 && DateTime.Now < InvoicingStartDate)
                if (Convert.ToInt32(invoicingFrequency) == 1 && occurrence < 0)
                    multi = 1;
                    multi = Convert.ToInt32(invoicingFrequency)
                    * Math.Abs(occurrence);
                if (Convert.ToInt32(invoicingFrequency) == 1)
                    multi = Convert.ToInt32(invoicingFrequency)
                    * (Math.Abs(occurrence));
                    multi = Convert.ToInt32(invoicingFrequency) 
                    * (Math.Abs(occurrence) + 1);

            return next.AddMonths(multi);

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  • Calculate next due date based on start date frequency and current date ?
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